Placed in the downtown in the so called zone " Bank of the Shellfish ", place of excellent leisure. The building was occupying the lot on which it(he,she) was, until ends of the decade of 70 the women's former jail, which name lasts in the plazuela that gives step to the hotel, the " Plaza of the Jail " It(He,She) is in 1983 when there falls down ancient penal this one to construct what would be the Hotel The Pitchers ***, that takes his(her,your) name of the find in the subsoil of the jail of a hundred of earthenware jugs of the 17th century, today deposited in his(her,your) maryoria of the Municipal Museum, remaining some exposed in the lounge of the Hotel as representative sample. The outlined Plaza of the Jail preserves even today in good condition(state) one of the numerous sources(fountains) that long ago were distributed by the city to supply of water the population and whose(which) date of construction goes back 1839. Endowed with four faucets, there were used for his(her,your) construction slabs of Tariff, blue stone of Algeciras, ladrilllos Sevillian and calcarenita of the nearby saw of St Kitts. The hotel has 39 double rooms, all of them with complete bath with hairdryer, television satellite, Channel +, direct telephone, minibar, air conditioning, heating and service of rooms.